PhD Candidate in Physics at MIT

Affiliations: MIT LNS A3D3 FastML


My research interests are primarily aligned with experimental particle physics, with a focus on instrumentation for dark matter searches and specializing in data acquisition.

Dark Sector Searches at SpinQuest

2021 - Present

As a member of the SpinQuest collaboration, I focus on upgrading the detector for increased sensitivity to various dark sector portal searches, primarily dark photons. In addition, I manage the experiment's data acquisition system, and am currently working on an upgrade to allow for streaming data at 54MHz.

Machine Learning Inference as a Service for Science

2024 - Present

Services for Optimized Network Inference on Coprocessors (SONIC) is a framework based on Nvidia's Triton that makes it easy for large scale scientific experiments (such as those at the Large Hadron Collider) to better use distributed heterogenous compute services for machine learning inference. My involvement primarily relates to packaging and distribution for ease of deployment with current scientific software suites.

Vector Like Quark Searches at the Large Hadron Collider

2018 - 2024

I analyzed data from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN with Professor Stephen Schnetzer at Rutgers University to search for evidence of bottom-type vector-like quarks (VLQs) present in many models involving a composite Higgs boson.

Hydronamic Simulations of Quark-Gluon Plasma


I worked with hydrodynamic simulations of quark-gluon plasma that resulted from heavy ion collisions with Professor Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler at Rutgers. My involvement was focused on computational performance optimization and preparing files for initial condition generation.

CMS Detector Forward Pixel Tracker

Summer 2019

Through the REU Program in Physics at Purdue University, I worked with Professor Andreas Jung on hardware upgrades for the CMS detector at CERN. In particular, I focused on thermal conductivity testing for the carbon fiber mounting system for the forward pixel tracker. I also designed the data acquisition and monitoring system for a testbench for the tracker's mixed-phase CO2 cooling system.


Beyond my research, I am involved in a variety of technical projects and outreach initiatives.

MIT Physics Graduates Advising Graduate Admissions

2021 - Present

I have served on the MIT Physics Graduates Advising Graduate Admissions committee since I have been a graduate student at MIT. Through this committee, I have both organized and been a mentor for the Physics Graduate Application Assistance Program (PhysGAAP), where we focus on mentoring aspiring physics PhD students as they navigate the admissions process.

A3D3 Equity and Career Committee

2022 - Present

Through the A3D3 institute, I have served on the Equity and Career committee since its founding, which aims to make the institute a welcoming environment for all. My responsibilities on this committee have included reviewing applications for the postbac program and organizing training events, as well as managing the institute mentorship program.